Index-Based Multi-Core BDD Package With Dynamic Memory Management & Reduced Fragmentation

A technical paper titled "EDDY: A Multi-Core BDD Package with Dynamic Memory Management and Reduced Fragmentation" was published by researchers at University of Bremen. ABSTRACT "In recent years, hardware systems have significantly grown in complexity. Due to the increasing complexity, there is a need to continuously improve the quality of the hardware design process. This leads designers t... » read more

Kahn Process Network: Parallel Programming Without Races And Non-Determinism

Modern personal computing devices feature multiple cores. This is not only true for desktops, laptops, tablets and smartphones, but also for small embedded devices like the Raspberry Pi. In order to exploit the computational power of those platforms, application programmers are forced to write their code in a parallel way. Most often, they use the threading approach. This means multiple parts o... » read more

The Rise Of Parallelism

Parallel computing is an idea whose time has finally come, but not for the obvious reasons. Parallelism is a computer science concept that is older Moore's Law. In fact, it first appeared in print in a 1958 IBM research memo, in which John Cocke, a mathematician, and Daniel Slotnick, a computer scientist, discussed parallelism in numerical calculations. That was followed eight years later by... » read more

Redefining Progress

After lots of wrangling over the whether Moore's Law is alive, dead, or languishing at somewhere in between, that discussion now seems about as relevant as the look and feel of Apple's early Macintosh operating system—an issue that back in the 1980s spawned a very public war with Microsoft. Today that argument is about as relevant as whether Betamax was better than VHS. Whether it's Moor... » read more

Keeping Up With The Productivity Challenge

Until recently, EDA software rode the coattails of increasing processor performance as part of its drive to continue providing faster and more powerful development software to the people designing, among other things, the next generation of faster processors. It was a fortuitous ring. Around the turn of the century, with the migration to multi-core computing systems, all of that changed. In ord... » read more