Full-Duplex Wireless Remains A Promise And A Challenge

Wireless bandwidth capacity could double if we could use full-duplex communication. Unfortunately, that’s not as easy as it sounds. People are working hard on it, but we’re mostly not there yet. Full duplex seems easy. In fact, so easy that it was possible with the first basic telephones. There was one loop between each phone and the central office, and that one loop carried conversation... » read more

Wireless Technologies For The IoE

It's generally understood the [getkc id="76" kc_name="Internet of Everything"] eventually will be the interconnect platform of all things, wireless and wireline. The utopian scenario is to have a common platform, with standardized protocols, which everyone builds to. Will that happen? Perhaps, but for a time, especially while the IoE evolves, that won’t be the case. Count on the early IoE bei... » read more

LP Spread-Spectrum Sensors

It is pretty much an accepted fact that the common denominator of the IoT will be intelligent sensors. Virtually everything and everyone will be “sensed.” These sensors will collect an immense amount of data, and that data will have to be funneled for analysis at some point. Much of this will occur in real time, but some of it can be stored and forwarded, or collected on demand. Tethered... » read more

Wireless Security Issues Grow

The Internet, as we know it today, is still mostly an information highway. However, even as we speak, more and more once autonomous, physical objects are becoming intelligent. That includes the obvious ones, such as today’s smart communications devices, to the not so evident ones, such as pacemakers, vehicles, audio/video, and environmental sensors. There are microscopic cameras that are swal... » read more