Special Report
Different Approaches Emerge For Stacking Die
First of two parts: While full logic-on-logic 3D ICs are still in the experimental stage, other approaches are beginning to take shape.
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Technology Editor Brian Bailey observes that a lack of VC funding could have a lasting impact on electronic design automation in EDA Suffering Funding Crisis.
Mentor Graphics’ Jon McDonald notes that choosing which IP to use and re-use can have a big impact on the overall design in Not Invented Here Syndrome.
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Arteris’ Kurt Shuler writes that reducing active power consumption by 0.7 milliwatts can mean a lot if it affects 1 billion phones in NoC Technology: Saving the Planet, One Chip at a Time.
Sponsor White Papers
A Novel Approach To Dummy Fill For Analog Designs
How dummy patterns can be customized and controlled from a design entry system.
Transaction Debug
How to correlate software and hardware debug approaches.