Knowledge Center ➜ Entities

Alta Group of Cadence

Brought together various pieces of software above RTL


Alta Group was a supplier of system-level design tools, libraries, and services for the design of electronic systems. The company’s products focused on the early, high-level portion of the design cycle where fundamental design decisions are made. Products of this type are classified as electronic system design automation (ESDA).
Acquired: Systems & Networks, Inc. (1996)
Jan. 5, 1996–The Alta Group, a business unit of Cadence Design Systems, Inc., today announced that it has acquired the technology and the engineering development and operations teams for the Block-Oriented Network Simulator (BONeS) network planning and simulation tool from Systems & Networks, Inc., a start-up corporation partially funded by Cadence in 1994.
Systems & Networks was established as an independent company based on technology from Cadence’s Alta Group. The company’s charter has been to bring the BONeS technology to the commercial network planning and analysis marketplace. Cadence has maintained a financial and engineering interest in the BONeS technology and the Alta Group has continued to sell the BONeS product into electronic product design applications in a range of high-growth market segments

  • Known for: SPW
  • Other names: Alta
  • Type: Business Unit/Product Division




  • CoWare LLC acquired Alta Group of Cadence in 2005
    • Primarily the SPW product line