Knowledge Center ➜ People

Gerhard Angst

Co-founder of Concept Engineering


Gerhard Angst is a co-founder of Concept Engineering, where he has serves as President & Chief Executive Officer since 1990.
His training began at the Feintechnikschule Schwenningen, where Angst studied electro-mechanical technology. He went on to a Dipl-Ing (FH) in Electronics, specializing in micro-electronics, at the Fach-Hochschule (University for Applied Science) in Furtwangen, Germany and an MPhil (Research Degree) from De Montfort University, Leicester, United Kingdom, where he worked on mixed digital/analog circuits.

At the Fach-Hochschule in Furtwangen he taught classes in IC design and layout and simulation of digital circuit. At the Technischen Akademie Villingen (Germany) he gave courses on application specific integrated circuits (ASICs). In addition he worked in the Fach-Hochschule Microelectronic Design Laboratory (Project E.I.S) on the design, simulation and layout of various ICs combining digital and analog functionality.