Knowledge Center ➜ Entities

MITRE Engenuity

An American organization that brings industry and government together to work on technical innovation.


Formed in 2019, MITRE Engenuity grew out of the MITRE Corporation, a U.S.-based independent advisor on U.S. national security and innovation. MITRE Engenuity brings together industry and government in R&D consortia to work on special research projects and grant-funded studies that enable advancement of technology in the public interest. Its goal is to bridge the gap between competitive organizations and “thought leaders” in government and academia, to steer them to work together for the public good to bring groundbreaking discoveries to fruition.

MITRE Engenuity has several areas of concentration:

  • Semiconductor Alliance
  • Open Generation 5G Consortium
  • Center for Threat-Informed Defense
  • ATT&CK Evaluations
  • MITRE ATT&CK Defender (MAD)
  • Digital Health


MITRE Engenuity logo 1126 × 402

  • Web: URL
  • Type: Company