- Astronics Test Systems
- Asygn
- Atair GmbH
- AtaiTec Corp.
- Atlantic Aerospace Electronics Corp.
- ATopTech
- Atrenta, Inc.
- Ausdia, Inc.
- AutoESL Design Technologies, Inc.
- Automated Integrated Design Systems
- Automated Systems, Inc.
- Automatic Parallel Designs
- Automotive Electronics Council (AEC)
- Avalon Microelectronics Inc.
- Avant! Corporation
- Averant, Inc.
- AverStar
- Avery Design Systems
- Award Software
- Axiom Daterer Skandinavien AB
- Axiom Design Automation
- Axiomise
- Axis Systems, Inc.
- AXYS Design Automation, Inc.
- Azuro, Inc.
- A|RT Technology of Adelante
- Beach Solutions
- Bell Labs DA group of Lucent
- Benelux B.V
- Berkeley Design Automation, Inc.
- BlazeDFM
- Blue Cheetah
- Blue Pearl Software, Inc.
- Bluespec, Inc.
- BOPS, Inc.
- Boulder Creek Engineering
- Brandenburg GmbH
- Breker Verification Systems
- Brewer Science
- Bridges2Silicon, Inc.
- Brite Semiconductor
- Broadcom
- Bruker
- BTA Technology
- BTA Ultima Inc.
- C Level Design, Inc.
- C2 Design Automation
- CAD Framework Initiative