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IC Power Optimization Required, But More Difficult To Achieve

Power optimization is playing an increasingly vital role in chip and chip and system designs, but it's also becoming much harder to achieve as transistor density and system complexity continue to grow. This is especially evident with advanced packages, chiplets, and high-performance chips, all of which are becoming more common in complex designs. Inside data centers, racks of servers are str... » read more

Securing Data In Heterogeneous Designs

Data security is becoming a bigger concern as chips are disaggregated into chiplets and various third-party IP blocks. There is no single solution that works for all designs, and no single tool or methodology that addresses everything in any design. Data is being transmitted across time zones, political borders, and even across multiple designs. Laws and the need to comply with standards may... » read more

Temperature: A Growing Concern For Chip Security Experts

While everyone in the semiconductor industry wants to have the hottest new product, having that type of temperature manifest in a literal sense poses a threat not just to product stability and performance but to the security of the chips themselves. Temperature has become an object of fascination to security researchers due to the vagaries of how the physical properties of heat affect perfor... » read more

Why It’s So Hard To Secure AI Chips

Demand for high-performance chips designed specifically for AI applications is spiking, driven by massive interest in generative AI at the edge and in the data center, but the rapid growth in this sector also is raising concerns about the security of these devices and the data they process. Generative AI — whether it's OpenAI’s ChatGPT, Anthropic’s Claude, or xAI’s Grok — sifts thr... » read more

AI For Data Management

Data management is becoming a significant new challenge for the chip industry, as well as a brand new opportunity, as the amount of data collected at every step of design through manufacturing continues to grow. Exacerbating the problem is the rising complexity of designs, many of which are highly customized and domain-specific at the leading edge, as well as increasing demands for reliabili... » read more

Power/Performance Costs In Chip Security

Hackers ranging from hobbyists to corporate spies and nation states are continually poking and prodding for weaknesses in data centers, cars, personal computers, and every other electronic device, resulting in a growing effort to build security into chips and electronic systems. The current estimate is that 60% of chips and systems have some type of security built in, and that percentage is ... » read more

Securing The World’s Data: A Looming Challenge

A combination of increasingly complex designs, more connected devices, and a mix of different generations of security technology are creating a whole new set of concerns about the safety of data nearly everywhere. While security experts have been warning of a growing threat in electronics for decades, there have been several recent fundamental changes that elevate the risk. Among them: ... » read more

Data Center Security Issues Widen

The total amount of data will swell to about 200 zettabytes of data next year, much of it stored in massive data centers scattered across the globe that are increasingly vulnerable to attacks of all sorts. The stakes for securing data have been rising steadily as the value of that data increases, making it far more attractive to hackers. This is evident in the scope of the attack targets —... » read more

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