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Hardware Security Guide to Industry Standards and Regulations

In an era marked by relentless technological advancements, the significance of cybersecurity standards, regulations and guidelines has emerged as a critical dimension for companies engaged in the manufacturing of electronic devices. In this dynamic landscape, semiconductor manufacturers are compelled to navigate a complex web of standards and compliance requirements to ensure hardware security... » read more

Radix Coverage for Hardware Common Weakness Enumeration (CWE) Guide (updated)

MITRE’s hardware Common Weakness Enumeration (CWE) database aggregates hardware weaknesses that are the root causes of vulnerabilities in deployed parts. In this 100+ page guide, each CWE is listed along with a Radix template Security Rule that can be filled in with design-specific signals and used as a baseline test for the respective CWE. To learn more about a specific CWE, follow the li... » read more

Capture Effective Hardware Security Requirements In 3 Steps

As hardware vulnerabilities continue to rise, it’s increasingly crucial for those developing semiconductors to reduce consumer and business risk by establishing comprehensive security programs. These should include a systematic process for developing security requirements, verifying them at scale throughout the design process, and producing final documentation for security sign-off before tap... » read more

Cybersecurity Is A Journey

Hardware Is the Foundation of Your Security Posture Due to the inability to ‘patch’ silicon, failure to identify and remediate hardware vulnerabilities early comes with catastrophic consequences. However, most of the focus and investments in cybersecurity have historically been on device software and its administrators, not on securing the underlying hardware. Hardware Vulnerabilitie... » read more

Advancing The Maturity Of Your Hardware Security Program

Where are you today on the Hardware Security Maturity Model? Hardware security is a journey. LEVEL 1: Foundational Define security requirements and validate hardware security features are working with functional verification. LEVEL 2: Basic Introduce threat models and security verification requirements while also enabling hardware protection mechanisms. Ad hoc security verification beg... » read more