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What Is Cyberwarfare?

Cyberwarfare is emerging as the most sophisticated battleground of the 21st century. In fact, the military in all major countries make it a priority. Collectively they are spending tens of billions of dollars on education and building a knowledgebase of how attacks can be perpetrated and what defenses are needed. The entire effort is based on technology, both legacy and new, starting on the ... » read more

M2M Vs. IoE

For some time now, there has been discussion that the IoE is really nothing more than the M2M infrastructure with a new coat of paint. Are M2M and the [getkc id="260" comment="Internet of Everything"] really just different generations of the same family, or are they completely different? This is more than just a philosophical question. The answer affects everything from technology investmen... » read more

Network Challenges Ahead

The Internet of Everything will require a new breed of networks to handle data from billions of devices quickly and securely, but how exactly that will happen isn't completely clear. The terms "high performance" and "high security" are generally incompatible in the networking world because the security technology in use today bogs down network performance. To have a high level of security re... » read more

IoE Things Are Spying On Us

Special inaudible sounds are being embedded in Web pages and television commercials. In India, a company called SilverPush embeds short, ultrasonic sounds into television commercials and Web pages. Not only that, complementary software is being snuck onto computers, tablets, and smartphones. This software will pick up these “inaudible” signals and, via cookies, send what it learns back t... » read more

Faster Battery Charging

There are entire libraries of available information on batteries and battery technology. The reason is the technology is hundreds of years old, and it hasn't fundamentally changed since Alessandro Volta cooked up the first practical battery in 1791. While there have been significant improvements in batteries since then, they haven't come close to keeping up with advancements in electronics t... » read more

Changes In Chip Design

We all know that sub-10nm is coming. But is that really what will define the next generation of semiconductors? Progress in semiconductor technology increasingly is not just about advancements in the hardware. It also involves advancements in applications and technologies peripheral to the devices themselves. That may sound counterintuitive, but going forward the technology, applications and... » read more

Scare Of The Month: The Breach At Juniper

Details are sketchy, but it was definitely a back door hack of Juniper. That almost always points in the direction of an inside job. So far, no one quite knows how exactly the hack was accomplished. But what scares me is that, supposedly, this code has been in the system for three years already. Drilling down a bit, it turns out there was more than one back door. One of them allowed ... » read more

Interference In The Car

Once again, a paradigm shift is upon us. Mobile connectivity has radically changed the automobile’s place in the world of connected everything. And that paradigm will shift even further once the IoE is in full bloom. As all of this unfolds and technology marches on, some see the connectivity of the automobile as being a better and more powerful alternative to the smartphone. It is touted a... » read more

Smarter Cities

One of the benefits touted by IoE proponents is that smart cities will improve the quality of life and make cities more “livable.” The concept is appealing, and if it comes to pass as visionaries hope, the smart city of the future will be a virtual cornucopia of convenience and efficiency. Residents and vistors will never be lost with the proliferation of location technologies, which als... » read more

New IP Risks

The world is being flooded with Internet-enabled devices, from smart toothbrushes to smart appliances to smart aircraft, and everything in between. Some of this is expected to be connected to the Internet, and some has been for quite some time. But devices such as smart toothbrushes and smart socks pose a whole new challenge. The issue is that even low-end chips need some sort of IP, but if ... » read more

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