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The Importance Of Secure Data Sharing

When it comes to data accessibility, the terms “secure” and “share” seem like two diametrically opposed words. Conventional wisdom would suggest that any effort to secure data would involve limiting access to that data, while sharing data would involve opening up access to that data for others to view and use. As it turns out, semiconductor operations need to do both. On the one h... » read more

Using Advanced Analytics To Meet ESG Goals

With the continued advancement of environmental, social and governance goals, corporations are increasingly focused on reducing their carbon footprints. To accomplish this, these companies are being asked to operate their businesses more efficiently than ever before, whether the matter is reducing waste, water usage or power consumption. This is true for the semiconductor industry as well. A... » read more

Metrology Sampling Plans Are Key For Device Analytics And Traceability

A mother steps on the brakes, bringing her car to a stop as she drops her kids off for dance lessons. At the time, she doesn't notice anything wrong, but when she takes her car in for its regular service appointment, the mechanic conducts a diagnostic check and discovers that the primary brake system on the car had failed because of a faulty braking controller without anyone realizing it. Fortu... » read more

Extreme Ancestry: Silicon Edition

The ability to trace the genealogy of all the components in an electronic device has been getting more complex for decades. For many industries — automotive, defense, medical and others — the need to locate the source of a problem in near real-time is paramount to gauging the extent of that problem. The extreme case is when the issue occurs with a product that already has been distributed a... » read more

What Does It Take To Build A Successful Multi-Chip Module Factory?

When it comes to multi-chip module (MCM) manufacturing, fan-out wafer-level and fan-out panel-level packaging have received a lot of coverage recently. Every week, it seems like there is an announcement about “Company XYZ” moving their products into the fan-out wafer-level packaging (FOWLP) or fan-out panel-level packaging (FOPLP) space. But these moves come with challenges that didn’t ex... » read more