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Symmetric Multiprocessing (SMP) RTOS On Xtensa Multicore

An increasing number of multi-threaded embedded applications want to leverage multicore designs. Symmetric Multiprocessing (SMP) RTOS provides automatic load balancing of multiple threads in a multicore environment. Also, numerous legacy multi-threaded embedded applications are deployed on a single-core RTOS that customers want to move to a multicore environment. For these reasons, application ... » read more

Simulating Multiple DSPs As Multiple x86 Processes

An increasing number of embedded designs are multi-core systems. At the pre-silicon stage, customers use a simulation platform for architectural exploration and software development. Architects want to quantify the impact of the number of cores, local memory size, system memory latency, and interconnect bandwidth. Software teams wish to have a practical development platform that is not excrucia... » read more

Locking When Emulating Xtensa LX Multi-Core On A Xilinx FPGA

Today's high-performance computing systems often require the designer to instantiate multiple CPU or DSP cores in their subsystem. However, the performance gained by using multiple CPUs comes with additional programming complexity, especially when accessing shared memory data structures and hardware peripherals. CPU cores need to access shared data in an atomic fashion in a multi-core environme... » read more