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How Gamification Improves Semiconductor IP Reuse

In today’s increasingly complex semiconductor industry, companies are always looking for new and innovative ways to maximize the value of their Intellectual Property (IP) assets. One way to do this is through the use of crowdsourcing and gamification. Crowdsourcing is the process of obtaining services, ideas, or content by enlisting a large number of people, typically through an online platfo... » read more

Maximize The Value Of Your 3rd Party IP Investment

The need to get to market sooner has resulted in significant growth in the use of 3rd party IP. This in turn has led to a growth in IP vendors. While licensing 3rd party IP may lead to reducing the development effort and time, it can potentially be costly and bring upon significant risk. Of course, there is the obvious cost of licensing the IP itself, but there are several other hidden costs... » read more

Challenges Of Using The Cloud For IC Design

The ‘cloud’ is so ubiquitous that perhaps even your grandmother has heard about it. There are advertisements on TV with various vendors touting their cloud offerings. The cloud is ideal for eCommerce and SaaS (Software as a Service) offerings, as the elasticity on demand provides a convenient way to scale up when demand is high and scale down when it is low. Yet the design community has ... » read more

Spreadsheets In Virtuoso

The looming tape-out deadline is the nightmare that keeps most design managers up at night. Managing schedules and tracking progress is always a black art that few, if any, can master. Various project management tools and methodologies have been developed that can help, if followed diligently. However, the learning curve of the tools, or the training and overhead of the process, often result in... » read more