February 2009 - Page 2 of 2 - Semiconductor Engineering

Break Out The Pocket Dictionary

Convergence and complexity at the design level are creating communications problems, something that became particularly evident during a couple panels at DesignCon this week. In one panel, which was focused on design for manufacturing, the crux of the problem was trust and expertise. On the trust side, the issues that have been talked about for years of foundries sharing data with fabless co... » read more

Making A Multicore System Work

Making all the pieces work together in a multicore system requires a deep understanding of the technology, lots of different layers of synthesis, and some incredibly complex testing strategies.   System-Level Design sat down with James Aldis, system on chip architect for Texas Instruments wireless business unit; Charles Janac, president and CEO of Arteris, Drew Wingard, CTO of Sonics, and ... » read more

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