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Why IC Design Safety Nets Have Limits

Experts at the Table: Semiconductor Engineering sat down to discuss different responsibilities in design teams and future changes in tools with Ashish Darbari, CEO at Axiomise; Ziyad Hanna, corporate vice president R&D at Cadence; Jim Henson, ASIC verification software product manager at Siemens EDA; Dirk Seynhaeve, vice president of business development at Sigasi; Simon Davidmann, formerly... » read more

Communication Is Key To Finding And Fixing Bugs In ICs

Experts at the Table: Finding and eliminating bugs at the source can be painstaking work, but it also can prevent even greater problems from developing later on. To examine the best ways to tackle this problem, Semiconductor Engineering sat down with Ashish Darbari, CEO at Axiomise; Ziyad Hanna, corporate vice president R&D at Cadence; Jim Henson, ASIC verification software product manager ... » read more

Engineers Or Their Tools: Which Is Responsible For Finding Bugs?

Experts at the table: Finding and eliminating bugs at the source can be painstaking work, but it can prevent bigger problems later in the design flow, when they are more difficult and expensive to fix.  Semiconductor Engineering sat down to discuss these issues with Ashish Darbari, CEO at Axiomise; Ziyad Hanna, corporate vice president R&D at Cadence; Jim Henson, ASIC verification software... » read more