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Bug, Flaw, Or Cyberattack?

The lines between counterfeiting, security, and design flaws are becoming increasingly difficult to determine in advanced packages and process nodes, where the number of possible causes of unusual behavior grow exponentially with the complexity of a device. Strange behavior may be due to a counterfeit part, including one that contains a trojan. Or it may be the result of a cyberattack. It al... » read more

Making Connections In 3D Heterogeneous Integration

Activity around 3D heterogeneous integration (3DHI) is heating up, driven by growing support from governments, the need to add more features and compute elements into systems, and a widespread recognition that there are better paths forward than packing everything into a single SoC at the same process node. The leading edge of chip design has changed dramatically over the last few years. Int... » read more

Navigating EDA Vendor Cloud Options

Experts at the Table: Semiconductor Engineering sat down to discuss the challenges of cost-dependent cloud decisions, and how to navigate between different EDA vendor clouds options with Philip Steinke, fellow, CAD infrastructure and physical design at AMD; Mahesh Turaga, vice president of business development for cloud at Cadence Design Systems; Richard Ho, vice president hardware engineering ... » read more

Memory And High-Speed Digital Design

As DRAM gets faster, timing constraints, jitter, and signal integrity become harder to control. The real challenge is to understand what can go wrong early in the design process, and that becomes more complex with each new version of memory and higher signal speeds. Stephen Slater, product manager for EDA products at Keysight, talks about how simulation can be applied to these issues, what to t... » read more

Partitioning Processors For AI Workloads

Partitioning in complex chips is beginning to resemble a high-stakes guessing game, where choices need to extrapolate from what is known today to what is expected by the time a chip finally ships. Partitioning of workloads used to be a straightforward task, although not necessarily a simple one. It depended on how a device was expected to be used, the various compute, storage and data paths ... » read more

Everyone’s A System Designer With Heterogeneous Integration

The move away from monolithic SoCs to heterogeneous chips and chiplets in a package is accelerating, setting in motion a broad shift in methodologies, collaborations, and design goals that are felt by engineers at every step of the flow, from design through manufacturing. Nearly every engineer is now working or touching some technology, process, or methodology that is new. And they are inter... » read more

Managing P/P Tradeoffs With Voltage Droop Gets Trickier

Experts at the Table: Semiconductor Engineering sat down to talk about voltage droop/IR drop with Bill Mullen, distinguished engineer at Ansys; Rajat Chaudhry, product management group director at Cadence; Heidi Barnes, senior applications engineer at Keysight Technologies; Venkatesh Santhanagopalan, product manager at Movellus; Joe Davis, senior director for Calibre interfaces and mPower EM/IR... » read more

The Threat Of Supply Chain Insecurity

Concerns about counterfeit chips are growing as more chips are deployed in safety- and mission-critical applications, prompting better traceability and new and inexpensive solutions that can determine if chips are new or used. But some counterfeit chips still slip through, and the problem gets worse wherever there are shortages. Estimates vary widely for how much counterfeiting costs in term... » read more

Automotive Complexity, Supply Chain Strength Demands Tech Collaboration

The automotive supply chain is becoming more complex and collaborative, changing longstanding relationships between automakers and their suppliers in ways that would have seemed unimaginable even a couple of years ago. Rather than just developing parts for a tightly defined specification, suppliers are taking an increasingly active role in determining how various technologies are combined, w... » read more

Tradeoffs Between On-Premise And On-Cloud Design

Experts at the Table: Semiconductor Engineering sat down discuss how and why companies are dividing up work on-premise and in the cloud, and what to watch out for, with Philip Steinke, fellow, CAD infrastructure and physical design at AMD; Mahesh Turaga, vice president of business development for cloud at Cadence Design Systems; Richard Ho, vice president hardware engineering at Lightmatter; Cr... » read more

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