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New Twist On Scalable Electronics?

Snug in their tents at Everest base camp a few years ago, Matt Du Puy and his colleagues marveled at the howling snowstorm outside, until they peeked out and saw snow drifts piling up quickly. They made a quick decision to tug on their boots and seek safer ground. As they did, clutches of other campers emerged and fell in line, bleary-eyed refugees trudging through the darkness. “We got of... » read more

What The Next Era Of Automotive Design Will Require

ARM, automotive, automotive electronics, lower-power processors, ADAS, automated driver assist, smart cars, autonomous vehicles, TECHnalysis, Your father’s automotive market, with its long design cycles and reluctance for change, is in the rear-view mirror— a spec on the horizon in fact. The industry’s enthusiastic embrace of electronics — and the astonishing cost, functional, safety... » read more

Solving ‘Simulator Sickness’ With Smart Software, SoC Design

The growth in virtual and augmented reality headsets is expected to explode in the coming years. The U.K.-based research firm KZero estimates headset unit volume will jump from nearly 4 million this year to 38.4 million in 2018. But that growth rate might be stunted if users continue to struggle with “simulator sickness,” that queasy feeling that something is just not right as they navi... » read more

Think In Blocks

It always seems to come back to LEGOs, doesn’t it? Earlier this year I wrote about Google Project Ara, the so-called “LEGO” smart phone architecture unveiled in April. Project Ara uses the MIPI Alliance UniPro and M-PHY protocols as the backbone for a modular electronics architecture inside a smart phone “endoskeleton.” Using electro-permanent magnets (they don’t need a perma... » read more

Thermal And Power Considerations In Designing For The Developing World

Engineers designing for emerging markets confront fascinating challenges. Take data centers for developing societies. Most of these systems are in remote locations, exposed to the elements, with limited power, save for the sun. How do you deal with rain, rust, durability? How do you prevent members of the animal kingdom sauntering by and chewing on your system? These are some of the intri... » read more

Think IoT Designs Are Challenging? Try Embedded Systems In The Brain

There’s low power and then there’s low power. There are amazing applications and then there are amazing applications. Today the bleeding edge of low power design is not so much in IoT (although excellent work is being done in that space) but in medical, where the stakes are high and possible outcomes life-altering. Chet Moritz, associate professor with the University of Washington’s... » read more

How Do We Push The Limits Of Power?

Just how far will we be able to push down power in electronics system design? A bit farther, according to experts presenting at the recent Electronic Design Processes Symposium in Monterey. A combination of materials, techniques, technology and cultural change will get the industry there. During a panel session comparing fully-depleted silicon-on-insulator (FD-SOI) with finFET technology, J... » read more

How We’ll Get There from Here

The electronics industry is like a battleship with remarkable handling properties. I thought about it this week sitting at an industry event a day after stumbling across Neptune—the technology project, not the god. Those two experiences forced me to rethink some fundamental assumptions about system design and how the ecosystem responds to change. If you’ve not heard of Neptune, it�... » read more

With Object-Based Audio, Dizzying Design Possibilities

Technology innovation can be dizzying—literally. Walk through a place as vast and cavernous as Mobile World Congress (and walk and walk and walk) and you can’t help but get wobbly at all the innovation in the building. But find your way to the Fraunhofer booth and things get even more interesting. Here, you take a seat outside the booth, slip on a virtual reality headset and settle ... » read more

Postcards From The Edge (Of The Cloud)

The view from the edge of the cloud is pretty spectacular. Out here, there’s endless possibility. But out here on the edge, there’s turbulence, the cold buffeting swirl of today’s engineering challenges. On the edge, some see the Internet of Things (IoT) stalled. I wrote about this last month. The first wave of IoT devices — especially wearables — has quickly commoditized, driven b... » read more

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