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Failure To Launch

Failure analysis (FA) is an essential step for achieving sufficient yield in semiconductor manufacturing, but it’s struggling to keep pace with smaller dimensions, advanced packaging, and new power delivery architectures. All of these developments make defects harder to find and more expensive to fix, which impacts the reliability of chips and systems. Traditional failure analysis techniqu... » read more

Challenges Grow For Medical ICs

Demand for medical ICs used inside and outside the body is growing rapidly, but unique manufacturing and functional requirements coupled with low volumes have turned this into a complex and extremely challenging market. Few semiconductor applications demand this level of precision, reliability, and long-term stability. Unlike consumer electronics, where failure might mean a reboot or chip re... » read more

EUV’s Future Looks Even Brighter

The rapidly increasing demand for advanced-node chips to support everything-AI is putting pressure on the industry's ability to meet demand. The need for cutting-edge semiconductors is accelerating in applications ranging from hyperscale data centers powering large language models to edge AI in smartphones, IoT devices, and autonomous systems. But manufacturing those chips relies heavily on ... » read more

Optimizing DFT With AI And BiST

Experts at the Table: Semiconductor Engineering sat down to explore how AI impacts design for testability, with Jeorge Hurtarte, senior director of product marketing in the Semiconductor Test Group at Teradyne; Sri Ganta, director of test products at Synopsys; Dave Armstrong, principal test strategist at Advantest; and Lee Harrison, director of Tessent automotive IC solutions at Siemens EDA. Wh... » read more

Simulation Closes Gap Between Chip Design Optimization And Manufacturability

Simulation is playing an increasingly critical and central role throughout the design-through-manufacturing flow, fusing together everything from design to manufacturing and test in order to reduce the number and cost of silicon respins. The sheer density of modern chips, combined with advanced packaging techniques like 3D stacking and heterogeneous integration, has made iterative physical p... » read more

Electrifying Everything: Power Moves Toward ICs

As electronic systems grow increasingly complex and energy-intensive, traditional power management methods — centered on centralized systems and external components — are proving inadequate. The next wave of innovation is to bring power control closer to the action — directly on the chip or into a heterogeneous package. This change is driven by a relentless pursuit of efficiency, scala... » read more

Using Test And Metrology Data For Dynamic Process Control

Advanced packaging is transforming semiconductor manufacturing into a multi-dimensional challenge, blending 2D front-end wafer fabrication with 2.5D/3D assemblies, high-frequency device characterization, and complex yield optimization strategies. These combinations are essential to improving performance and functionality, but they create some thorny issues for which there are no easy fixes. ... » read more

DFT At The Leading Edge

Experts at the Table: Semiconductor Engineering sat down to discuss the rapidly changing landscape of design for testability (DFT), focusing on the impact of advancements in fault models, high-speed interfaces, and lifecycle data analytics, with Jeorge Hurtarte, senior director of product marketing in the Semiconductor Test Group at Teradyne; Sri Ganta, director of test products at Synopsys; D... » read more

Navigating Increased Complexity In Advanced Packaging

As chips evolve toward stacked, heterogeneous assemblies and adopt more complex materials, engineers are grappling with new and often less predictable sources of variation. This is redefining what it means to achieve precision, forcing companies to rethink everything from process control and in-line metrology to materials selection and multi-level testing. These assemblies are the result of ... » read more

Testing For Thermal Issues Becomes More Difficult

Increasingly complex and heterogeneous architectures, coupled with the adoption of high-performance materials, are making it much more difficult to identify and test for thermal issues in advanced packages. For a single SoC, compressing higher functionality into a smaller area concentrates the processing and makes thermal effects more predictable. But that processing can happen anywhere in a... » read more

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