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Using AI/ML To Combat Cyberattacks

Machine learning is being used by hackers to find weaknesses in chips and systems, but it also is starting to be used to prevent breaches by pinpointing hardware and software design flaws. To make this work, machine learning (ML) must be trained to identify vulnerabilities, both in hardware and software. With proper training, ML can detect cyber threats and prevent them from accessing critic... » read more

Increased Automotive Data Use Raises Privacy, Security Concerns

The amount of data being collected, processed, and stored in vehicles is exploding, and so is the value of that data. That raises questions that are still not fully answered about how that data will be used, by whom, and how it will be secured. Automakers are competing based on the latest versions of advanced technologies such as ADAS, 5G, and V2X, but the ECUs, software-defined vehicles, an... » read more

Why Chiplets Are So Critical In Automotive

Chiplets are gaining renewed attention in the automotive market, where increasing electrification and intense competition are forcing companies to accelerate their design and production schedules. Electrification has lit a fire under some of the biggest and best-known carmakers, which are struggling to remain competitive in the face of very short market windows and constantly changing requir... » read more

Role For ICs Expands In Humanoid Robots

Semiconductors play a crucial role in the development and functionality of humanoid robots. Humanoid robots are advanced machines designed to resemble and perform tasks similar to humans. The integration of semiconductors in humanoid robots contributes to their sensory perception, processing capabilities, and overall functionality. Robots are used in everything from security and defense, to ... » read more

Auto Network Speeds Rise As Carmakers Prep For Autonomy

In-vehicle networks are starting to migrate from domain architectures to zonal architectures, an approach that will simplify and speed up communication in a vehicle using fewer protocols, less wiring, and ultimately lower cost. Zonal architectures will partition vehicles into zones that are more manageable and flexible, but getting there will take time. There is so much legacy technology in ... » read more

Autonomous Vehicles: Not Ready Yet

The swirl of activity around L4 and L5 vehicles has yet to result in a successful demonstration of an autonomous vehicle that can navigate the streets of a city or highway without incident, and there is a growing body of real-world data showing that much work still needs to be done. Robo-taxi trials in big cities such as San Francisco, Los Angeles, and soon San Diego, are proving that autono... » read more

For SDVs, Software Is The Biggest Challenge

Software-defined vehicles (SDVs) involve far more than just OTA applications enabling software upgrades over the air. Software that will manage hundreds of ECUs and other functions within the vehicle is expected to grow beyond hundreds of millions of lines of code, possibly making SDV software development the number one challenge in automotive design. The benefits of SDVs, such as easy updat... » read more

How Much AI Is Really Needed?

Tensor Core GPUs have created a generative AI model gold rush. Whether it’s helping students with math homework, planning a vacation, or learning to prepare a six-course meal, generative AI is ready with answers. But that's only one aspect of AI, and not every application requires it. AI — now an all-inclusive term, referring to the process of using algorithms to learn, predict, and make... » read more

Gearing Up For Level 4 Vehicles

More autonomous features are being added into high-end vehicles, but getting to full autonomy will likely take years more effort, a slew of new technologies — some of which are not in use today, and some of which involve infrastructure outside the vehicle — along with sufficient volume to bring the cost of these combined capabilities down to an affordable price point. In the meantime, ma... » read more

Quantum Plus AI Widens Cyberattack Threat Concerns

Quantum computing promises revolutionary changes to the computing paradigm that the semiconductor industry has operated under for decades, but it also raises the prospect of widespread cybersecurity threats. Quantum computing cyberattacks will occur millions of times faster than any assault conventional computing can muster. And while quantum computing is in an early stage of development, ex... » read more

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