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Formal Analysis Of X Propagation

Verifying the absence of undefined signal values in a design is in general a hard problem. Formal 4-state logic analysis offers a powerful solution. This white paper discusses X-related verification issues, and how advanced 4-state formal analysis solves them. This white paper covers the 360 DV-Verify product. To read more, click here. » read more

Achieving 100% Functional Coverage By Operational Assertion-Based Verification

This white paper presents Operational Assertion-Based Verification (ABV), an advanced formal verification methodology resulting in a predictable, small number of high-level assertions capturing the functionality of a design. Operational ABV enables an automatic formal coverage analysis, which identifies holes in verification plans, unverified design functionality as well as errors and omissio... » read more

Capturing Timing Diagrams In Operational SVA

Timing diagrams provide an excellent, intuitive starting point for writing assertions to capture the intended behavior of designs. However, the standard assertion languages SVA and PSL do not provide direct constructs for capturing timing diagrams. This white paper presents Operational SVA – a simple yet powerful SVA library – which allows to develop assertions directly from timing diagrams... » read more

Formal Verification Applied To The Renesas MCU Design Platform Using OneSpin Tools

An effective measure of verification progress, together with guidance towards design areas remaining untested, requires a precise view of the test coverage achieved. To risk signing off the verification process without understanding the quality of testing raises the specter of post-production device bugs. OneSpin Solution’s patented Quantify technology employs Observation Coverage, which eval... » read more

Reducing Verification Risk With Formal-Based Observation Coverage

An effective measure of verification progress, together with guidance towards design areas remaining untested, requires a precise view of the test coverage achieved. To risk signing off the verification process without understanding the quality of testing raises the specter of post-production device bugs. OneSpin Solution’s patented Quantify technology employs Observation Coverage, which eval... » read more

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