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Part Average Test (PAT)

With semiconductor manufacturers producing huge amounts of data, it can be hard to guarantee quality and reliability, even with internal tools. Many companies outsource Part Average Testing (PAT) to a bespoke yield management provider. Provided they meet the standards set out by AEC, the tool will be invaluable in guaranteeing quality and reliability for your customers. Click here to con... » read more

Ambiq YieldHUB Case Study

Ambiq Micro is leading the world in energy-efficient micro-controller (MCU) design, redefining "ultra-low-power" with its unique and proprietary SPOT platform. They began working with us a few years ago when their data started scaling (they now produce thousands of wafers a month!) and they needed an effective yield management system to help them. Senior Product Engineer Jerry Kao shares his fa... » read more

What’s WAT? An Overview Of WAT/PCM Data

Wafer acceptance testing (WAT) also known as process control monitoring (PCM) data is data generated by the fab at the end of manufacturing and generally made available to the fabless customer for every wafer. The data will typically have between forty and one hundred tests, each test having a result for each site (or “drop-in”) on the wafer. The sites are located so that the fab can monito... » read more

18 Things Fabless Start-Ups Should Look For In A Yield Management System

Do you work for a fabless start-up? Are you ramping up? If so, you need data-analysis tools for your production data. You will struggle without them. You have two options for yield management analysis. You may decide to hire an engineer (or team of engineers) whose job it is to transfer the data from datalogs to a spreadsheet. Then generate reports. Or, you could invest in a system that takes c... » read more

Figuring Out Binary Datalog Formats Without A Specification

Being in the realm of semiconductor data with a wide range of customers, companies often throw interesting technical challenges at us. The most complex one so far this year is probably a request (OK, a requirement!) to interpret binary test datalog files so that they can then be analysed from our yieldHUB database system. The company provided us with little information on the actual binary form... » read more

5 Important Tips For Working With STDF

The STDF datalog format developed by Teradyne has become the de facto standard in datalog formats in the semiconductor industry as most modern ATE manufacturers support the format. Data processing of the STDF files often require reading the binary files and converting them to formats that are human-readable or for input into a database. It is also possible that the STDF file is converted to ATD... » read more