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Advanced Packaging: A Curse Or A Blessing For Trustworthiness?

In recent years, the issue of trustworthiness in electronics has become increasingly important, especially in areas where security is of the essence such as the automotive sector, industry, and critical infrastructure. These sectors depend on electronic systems that are not only powerful but also absolutely reliable and, above all, secure. This represents a major challenge, as the increasing co... » read more

Automakers And Industry Need Specific, Extremely Robust, Heterogeneously Integrated Chiplet Solutions

Chiplets offer great potential for the automotive and industrial sectors, especially as these applications often have high performance requirements but are needed only in small quantities. The modular principle behind chiplets enables efficient design and production: individual components have to be produced only once and can then be flexibly combined to create tailored solutions. This offers m... » read more

Efficient Electronics

Attention nowadays has turned to the energy consumption of systems that run on electricity. At the moment, the discussion is focused on electricity consumption in data centers: if this continues to rise at its current rate, it will account for a significant proportion of global electricity consumption in the future. Yet there are other, less visible electricity consumers whose power needs are a... » read more

Current And Future Challenges For An Open Chiplet Ecosystem

There are currently a variety of ways to approach chiplet systems. One is to have a closed system in which a manufacturer develops all the components in-house and is also in charge of commissioning and overseeing assembly. In this scenario, everything is coordinated within that company and no standards are required. Another is to establish open chiplet systems. This approach taps a considera... » read more

Chiplets: More Standards Needed

Recent months have seen new advances in chiplet standardization. For example, consortia such as Bunch of Wires (BoW) and Universal Chiplet Interconnect Express (UCIe) have made progress in developing standards for die-to-die (D2D) interfaces in a chiplet’s design. Far from being a new phenomenon in communication, these types of standards are established for all forms of wired and wireless com... » read more

Edge AI And Chiplets

In the near future, more edge artificial intelligence (AI) solutions will find their way into our lives. This will be especially true in the private sector for applications in the field of voice input and analysis of camera data, which will become well-established. These application areas require powerful AI hardware to be able to process the corresponding continuously accumulating data volumes... » read more

Chiplets: Current Status

Recent weeks have seen a number of interesting developments in the area of chiplets. An increasing number of products based on chiplets have been brought to market, especially in the processors segment. For example, Apple and AMD now have processors with chiplets on the market and under production in high volumes. On one hand, this means that sufficient production capacity has now been built up... » read more

Chiplets: A Solution For The Shortage Of Chips

These days, there are new reports on the shortage of chips almost every day. Currently, this issue is affecting mainly car manufacturers such as Audi, Ford, and more. But other system manufacturers, such as in the machine construction industry, are also facing this challenge. Even manufacturers of mass-produced articles such as game consoles are reporting the same problems. The problem is sure ... » read more

Electronics For Quantum Communications

Our secure digital communications so far have functioned on the principle of key-based encryption. This involves generating a key of appropriate length, which is then used to encrypt the data. Because distributing the keys is difficult, the keys are reused rather than regularly generating new ones. The regular use of the keys opens up the encryption process to attacks by mathematical methods... » read more

Packaging And Package Design For AI At The Edge

Industrial applications will acquire significantly more data directly from machines in coming years. To properly handle this increase in data, it must already be prepared at the machine. The data of the individual sensors can be processed, or an initial data merger can take place here at the so-called “edge.” Algorithms and methods from the field of artificial intelligence increasingly a... » read more

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