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Formal Verification’s Usefulness Widens

Formal verification is being deployed more often and in more places in chip designs as the number of possible interactions grows, and as those chips are used in more critical applications. In the past, much of formal verification was focused on whether a chip would function properly. But as designs become more complex and heterogeneous, and as use cases change, formal verification is being u... » read more

Which Data Works Best For Voltage Droop Simulation

Experts at the Table: Semiconductor Engineering sat down to talk about the need for the right type of data, why this has to be done early in the design flow, and how 3D-IC will affect all of this, with Bill Mullen, distinguished engineer at Ansys; Rajat Chaudhry, product management group director at Cadence; Heidi Barnes, senior applications engineer at Keysight; Venkatesh Santhanagopalan, prod... » read more

Glitch Power Issues Grow At Advanced Nodes

An estimated 20% to 40% of total power is being wasted due to glitch in some of the most advanced and complex chip designs, and at this point there is no single best approach for how and when to address it, and mixed information about how effective those solutions can be. Glitch power is not a new phenomenon. DSP architects and design engineers are well-versed in the power wasted by long, sl... » read more

Analog Design Complicates Voltage Droop

Experts at the Table: Semiconductor Engineering sat down to talk about voltage droop in analog and mixed-signal designs, and the need for multi-vendor tool interoperability and more precision, with Bill Mullen, distinguished engineer at Ansys; Rajat Chaudhry, product management group director at Cadence; Heidi Barnes, senior applications engineer at Keysight; Venkatesh Santhanagopalan, product ... » read more

Densification Of RF Designs

It’s challenging enough to deal with wireless signals at the 5G and 6G frequencies. But with increased density in chips crammed into smaller packages, higher power, beam forming, and MIMO, design requirements are very different than in the past. Simple parasitic extraction no longer is sufficient. Daren McClearnon, product manager for RF and microwave simulation at Keysight, talks about the n... » read more

Using Real Workloads To Assess Thermal Impacts

Thermal analysis is being driven much further left in the design, fueled by demand for increased transistor density and more features on a chip or in a package, as well as the unique ways the various components may be exercised or stressed. However, getting a clear picture of the thermal activity in advanced-node chips and packages is extremely complex, and it can vary significantly by use c... » read more

Security Becoming Core Part Of Chip Design — Finally

Security is shifting both left and right in the design flow as chipmakers wrestle with how to build devices that are both secure by design and resilient enough to remain secure throughout their lifetimes. As increasingly complex devices are connected to the internet and to each other, IP vendors, chipmakers, and systems companies are racing to address existing and potential threats across a ... » read more

AI Accelerator Architectures Poised For Big Changes

AI is driving a frenzy of activity in the chip world as companies across the semiconductor ecosystem race to include AI in their product lineup. The challenge now is how to make AI run faster, use less energy, and to be able to leverage it from the edge to the data center — particularly with the rollout of large language models. On the hardware side, there are two main approaches for accel... » read more

Flipping Processor Design On Its Head

AI is changing processor design in fundamental ways, combining customized processing elements for specific AI workloads with more traditional processors for other tasks. But the tradeoffs are increasingly confusing, complex, and challenging to manage. For example, workloads can change faster than the time it takes to churn out customized designs. In addition, the AI-specific processes may ex... » read more

Coding And Debugging RISC-V

As monolithic device scaling continues to wind down and evolve toward increasingly heterogeneous designs, it has created an inflection point for chip architects to create customized cores that are much more energy efficient and faster than off-the-shelf processors. Zdeněk Přikryl, CTO of Codasip, talks about where RISC-V fits into this picture, using a modular ISA and custom instruction layer... » read more

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