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Automotive Relationships Shifting With Chiplets

The automotive industry is in the midst of a tremendous and rapid change on many fronts. OEMs are exploring new functions and features to add to their vehicles, including chiplets, electrification, autonomous features, as well as new vehicle architectures that will determine how vehicles are going to be designed from the foundation up. All of this is dependent on the relationships between all o... » read more

Making Tradeoffs With AI/ML/DL

Machine learning, deep learning, and AI increasingly are being used in chip design, and they are being used to design chips that are optimized for ML/DL/AI. The challenge is understanding the tradeoffs on both sides, both of which are becoming increasingly complex and intertwined. On the design side, machine learning has been viewed as just another tool in the design team's toolbox. That's s... » read more

ML Automotive Chip Design Takes Off

Machine learning is increasingly being deployed across a wide swath of chips and electronics in automobiles, both for improving reliability of standard parts and for the creation of extremely complex AI chips used in increasingly autonomous applications. On the design side, the majority of EDA tools today rely on reinforcement learning, a machine learning subset of AI that teaches a machine ... » read more

EDA Posts Q4 2022 Revenue of $3.9B

The ESD Alliance, a SEMI Technology Community, announced today in its latest Electronic Design Market Data (EDMD) report that the Electronic System Design (ESD) industry revenue increased 11.3% from $3.47 billion in the fourth quarter of 2021 to $3.86 billion in the fourth quarter of 2022. The four-quarter moving average, which compares the most recent four quarters to the prior four, rose 12.6... » read more

Designing For In-Circuit Monitors

In every application space the semiconductor ecosystem touches, in-circuit monitors and sensors are playing an increasing role in silicon lifecycle management and concepts around reliability and resiliency — both during design as well as in the field. The combination of true system-level design, in/on-chip monitors, and improved data analysis are expected to drastically improve reliability... » read more

Thermal Integrity Challenges Grow In 2.5D

Thermal integrity is becoming much harder to predict accurately in 2.5D and 3D-IC, creating a cascade of issues that can affect everything from how a system behaves to reliability in the field. Over the past decade, silicon interposer technology has evolved from a simple interconnect into a critical enabler for heterogeneous integration. Interposers today may contain tens of dies or chiplets... » read more

Chiplet Security Risks Underestimated

The semiconductor ecosystem is abuzz with the promise of chiplets, but there is far less attention being paid to security in those chiplets or the heterogeneous systems into which they will be integrated. Disaggregating SoCs into chiplets significantly alters the cybersecurity threat landscape. Unlike a monolithic multi-function chip, which usually is manufactured using the same process tech... » read more

The Race Toward Mixed-Foundry Chiplets

Creating chiplets with as much flexibility as possible has captured the imagination of the semiconductor ecosystem, but how heterogeneous integration of chiplets from different foundries will play out remains unclear. Many companies in the semiconductor ecosystem are still figuring out how they will fit into this heterogeneous chiplet world and what issues they will need to solve. While near... » read more

Uneven Circuit Aging Becoming A Bigger Problem

Circuit aging is emerging as a first-order design challenge as engineering teams look for new ways to improve reliability and ensure the functionality of chips throughout their expected lifetimes. The need for reliability is obvious in data centers and automobiles, where a chip failure could result in downtime or injury. It also is increasingly important in mobile and consumer electronics, w... » read more

Leveraging Chip Data To Improve Productivity

The semiconductor ecosystem is scrambling to use data more effectively in order to increase the productivity of design teams, improve yield in the fab, and ultimately increase reliability of systems in the field. Data collection, analysis, and utilization is at the center of all these efforts and more. Data can be collected at every point in the design-through-manufacturing flow and into the f... » read more

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