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Why Chiplets Don’t Work For All Designs

Experts at the Table: Semiconductor Engineering sat down to discuss use cases and challenges for commercial chiplets with Saif Alam, vice president of engineering at Movellus; Tony Mastroianni, advanced packaging solutions director at Siemens Digital Industries Software; Mark Kuemerle, vice president of technology at Marvell; and Craig Bishop, CTO at Deca Technologies. What follows are excerpts... » read more

Challenges Of Testing Advanced Packages

The number of things that can wrong in assembly and test increases as more chips are added into a package. Testing is the usual guarantor of a reliable device, but in an advanced package there are all sorts of new issues — more contacts, different handling requirements, the necessary thermal conditions for test, and variation within the package. George Harris, vice president of global test se... » read more

Patterns And Issues In AI Chip Design

AI is becoming more than a talking point for chip and system design, taking on increasingly complex tasks that are now competitive requirements in many markets. But the inclusion of AI, along with its machine learning and deep learning subcategories, also has injected widespread confusion and uncertainty into every aspect of electronics. This is partly due to the fact that it touches so many... » read more

Customizing IC Test To Improve Yield And Reliability

Testing the performance and power of semiconductors as they come off the production line is beginning to shift left in the fab, reversing a long-standing trend of assessing chips just prior to shipping. While this may sound straightforward, it's a difficult challenge which, if successful, will have broad implications for the entire design-through-manufacturing flow. Manufacturers typically g... » read more

Sweeping Changes For Leading-Edge Chip Architectures

Chipmakers are utilizing both evolutionary and revolutionary technologies to achieve orders of magnitude improvements in performance at the same or lower power, signaling a fundamental shift from manufacturing-driven designs to those driven by semiconductor architects. In the past, most chips contained one or two leading-edge technologies, mostly to keep pace with the expected improvements i... » read more

Need To Share Data Widens In IC Manufacturing

Experts at the Table: Semiconductor Engineering sat down to discuss issues in smart manufacturing of chips, including data management and grounding, chiplets, and standards, with Mujtaba Hamid, general manager for product management for secure cloud environments at Microsoft; Vijaykishan Narayanan, vice president and general manager of India engineering and operations at proteanTecs; KT Moore,... » read more

Challenges In Ramping New Manufacturing Processes

Despite a slowdown for Moore’s Law, there are more new manufacturing processes rolling out faster than ever before. The challenge now is to decrease time to yield, which involves everything from TCAD and design technology co-optimization, to refinement of power, performance, area/cost, and process control and analytics. Srinivas Raghvendra, vice president of engineering at Synopsys, talks abo... » read more

Manual X-ray Inspection

Increased density in advanced node chips and advanced packaging offers a way to greatly improve performance and reduce power, but it also makes it harder to inspect these devices for real and latent defects. Higher density can lead to scattering of light, and heterogeneous integration in a package means it’s not always possible to see through all materials equally. Chris Rand, product line ma... » read more

Preparing For Commercial Chiplets

Experts at the Table: Semiconductor Engineering sat down to discuss the path to commercialization of chiplets with Saif Alam, vice president of engineering at Movellus; Tony Mastroianni, advanced packaging solutions director at Siemens Digital Industries Software; Mark Kuemerle, vice president of technology at Marvell; and Craig Bishop, CTO at Deca Technologies. What follows are excerpts of tha... » read more

Speeding Up Design Closure

Increasing complexity and smaller process nodes make it far more difficult to achieve design closure for chips. There are more physical effects to model, including noise, cross-talk, and double switching effects, all of which can slow the design process. Solaiman Rahim, vice president of engineering for Synopsys’ EDA Group, talks about why it’s so important to analyze violations in design, ... » read more

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