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Building Access Control With Free Topology

For facilities managers of large buildings and campuses, security and access control are huge challenges. Authorized persons come and go so privileges must be granted and revoked; different employees, students and visitors may all have different levels of privilege/access; the access cards themselves must be authenticated; and the list goes on. This is in the face of ever-escalating security th... » read more

Using Technology To Improve Beer And Wine

For those people who enjoy a glass of Cabernet, Sauvignon Blanc, or Pilsner, you know that the temperature of that beverage is key to its enjoyment. Serve a red wine too chilled, and it ruins the flavor. And let’s not even get into the flavor of a warm lager. If you’re curious about how temperature affects the flavor of wine, check out this short and entertaining video from Wine Folly. Ask... » read more