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Deployment Of A 5G Network Testbed To Support Drone Operations

In this paper, the MITRE Engenuity Open Generation 5G Consortium describes efforts related to the recent deployment of our first outdoors 5G private testbed, designed to support experimentation with drone operations. We also present early results obtained from the initial assessment of command and control (C2) link performance over this network. Click here to read more. » read more

Creating An Enduring National Resource

The Semiconductor Alliance. It represents our efforts to convene and collaborate with industry and university members to develop input and plans for CHIPS activity that will benefit industry and Federal Government objectives. Our first paper, American Innovation, American Growth: A Vision for the National Semiconductor Technology Center, was published November 2021 to help inform and shape gov... » read more

American Innovation, American Growth: A Vision For The National Semiconductor Technology Center

In the paper, MITRE Engenuity and The Semiconductor Alliance take on the task of defining the principles by which the NSTC should be established to ensure that the U.S. makes the most of this opportunity to bring substantial funding and cross-sector collaboration to bear on the challenge of driving U.S. leadership in semiconductors for decades to come. Click here to read more. » read more