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RISC-V Becoming Less Risky With The Right Verification

RISC-V continues to make headlines across the electronic design industry. You may have seen the recent news that the OpenHW Group is delivering their first RISC-V core, the CV32E40P. If you attended last month’s RISC-V Summit, perhaps you attended “CORE-V: Industrial Grade Open-Source RISC-V Cores” by Rick O’Connor, president of the OpenHW Group. In this session, Rick discussed how the ... » read more

A Tale Of Two Challenges: From Space Exploration To Unlocking Your Vision

I love a good puzzle, and I’m guessing most engineers do as well. After all, engineers spend their days solving complex problems to deliver the most advanced products to the world or to perform mission-critical tasks. We kicked off this season of merriment with the latter in mind at this year’s Nokia FPGA Conference and “Mission to Mars” Hackathon in late November. Now, just in time for... » read more

IC Integrity Of Edge-Computing Processors: Meeting The Demands Of AI

If you ask most people, they would say that we’re living in an age of artificial intelligence (AI). But the reality is that we’re just getting started. The age of artificial intelligence is still in its infancy. So many of aspects of our lives involve technology but we’re still having to feed that technology or manually operate that technology in order get the results we want. Autonomous ... » read more

Tackling Functional Correctness, Safety, Trust And Security

We’re six months into the pandemic, and it looks like in-person conferences are becoming a distant memory and that virtual conferences are now becoming routine. It used to be that traveling to a conference (sometimes long distances) was the only way to be able to attend technical presentations and learn about the latest technologies and methodologies, and that was only if you received permiss... » read more

Cleared—And Verified—For Takeoff

If you’re like me, you’re probably not in any hurry to get on an airplane amidst our current global pandemic. Commercial air travel has declined dramatically as a result of the novel coronavirus—but beyond private and recreational travel, aviation remains an essential component of many key areas of modern life, including military and defense; commerce and package delivery; medical care; s... » read more

FPGA Equivalence Checking For A Nuclear Safety Controller

Every chip development team wants to find and fix all the bugs they possibly can in pre-silicon verification. Turning a chip to fix issues found in the bring-up lab incurs high costs and product delays; bugs found in the field are even more expensive to repair. But for some applications, including military/aerospace, implanted medical devices, and autonomous vehicles, the consequences of a faul... » read more

Access To Verification Knowledge While Remote Working

As someone who is used to working from home, the recent global events haven’t had as much of an impact on my ability to keep productive. Our team at OneSpin is very adept with remote-working relationships as many of us reside all over the world. Having said this, we recognize that not everyone or every company shares in this situation. Working from home can create specific challenges when ... » read more

OneSpin Users Gather in Munich

Even more than most other high-tech companies, EDA vendors rely on their users for many aspects of their success. Of course, customers provide the revenue that fuels the business, but their influence goes far beyond that. Many features in EDA tools, and even entire categories of products, arise from working closely with advanced users. Even before traditional Beta-testing, selected users provid... » read more

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