Author's Latest Posts

Chip Failure? Don’t Worry About It!

By Ron Craig Here in the United States it’s tax time again. Along with every other loyal taxpayer, I’ve been working on identifying every conceivable deduction I can think of to minimize my overall tax burden. I’m not an expert on tax law, but as far as I can tell I still can’t take advantage of the non-tax deductible dependents we like to call ‘the cats.’ Our own demanding hous... » read more

Reaching The Breaking Point

By Ron Craig Atrenta recently conducted a user survey on timing constraints, in an effort to find out more about how they are being managed and where the issues are. I expected a diverse range of feedback on different use models, roadblocks etc., but it was very interesting to see some trends pop up: 94% of respondents said that timing constraints were a problem. About 30% of respondents... » read more

The ‘Hospital Pass’ Of Chip Design

By Ron Craig My wife is very understanding. Once every four years I become somehow distracted for 90 minute periods over the course of about a month, unresponsive to the most basic requests and occasionally straining to explain the minutiae of the offside trap, the beauty of the ‘nutmeg,’ the tactics of the three game group stage and why the flag didn’t go up because the left back on the... » read more

Timing Closure And Denial

By Ron Craig I live in a reasonably remote area—defined as more than 10 miles from the nearest Starbucks. Given that I spend a fair amount of time driving, I’m conscious of things like safety and mileage. One thing that has a big impact on both is the health of my tires, and after having a recent replacement set installed I noticed that my ‘local’ tire shop offered things like regula... » read more