Securing The Food Supply: Industrial Cybersecurity In The Food And Beverage Sector

Cyber threats, global legislation, challenges in cyber resilience, and best practices for protecting the food supply.


This publication unpacks the various aspects of the food and beverage industry in relation to cybersecurity. The angles we explore are:

  1. Cyber Threats: The food, beverage, and agriculture sectors have become targets for cyber threats at an increasing rate, with 2021 standing out as the most severe. Alarmingly, this uptick did not have a corresponding decrease in the following years, remaining at a high level to the present day.
  2. Global Legislation: Both the U.S. and the EU have stepped up their support of cyber defenses in the agriculture and food sectors by enacting regulations on an unprecedentedly comprehensive level.
  3. Challenges Impacting Cyber Resilience: The food sector, in particular, presents a unique complexity when it comes to implementation of cybersecurity measures due to the diverse array of stages it encompass: from third-party suppliers (typically farmers), product delivery and food processing by manufacturers, and intricate distribution networks. This sector’s increasing automation and digitalization have made each link in the food supply chain all the more susceptible to threats.
  4. Best Practices: Constructively, this publication also offers a roadmap forward for the food and beverage industry, illustrating in granular fashion the key tenets for strengthening cybersecurity in the food and beverage industry and mapping these tenets to viable solutions.

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