Sponsorship Of Women Drives Innovation And Improves Organizational Performance

What is a gender gap and how to benefit from closing it.


Attracting, developing and retaining talent are some of the biggest challenges facing the technology industries, and this is especially true in the semiconductor industry, where the talent gap is widely acknowledged to be growing. Women are under-represented in the workforce of these industries, pointing to a significant opportunity to address these talent challenges. Seeking ways to engage and support women in their careers, particularly through sponsorship and mentorship programs, is critically important to keep the talent pipeline full. Focusing in on the bottom line, studies have clearly shown that supporting a diverse workforce can achieve increases in innovation, profitability, valuations, thought diversity, and employee morale, yet the female workforce remains underutilized.

Research shows a clear gender imbalance in the workplace and describes some common barriers that make it difficult for women to reach leadership positions. These barriers often stem from unconscious bias and a lack of formal support for women, which could be easily overcome if companies start sponsorship and mentorship programs for women. This is a hidden opportunity for semiconductor companies and one that is well worth the effort.

This report examines the gender gap and the benefits of closing it. It focuses in on the power of sponsorship programs to give women more opportunities to grow into decision-making roles and highlights best practices companies in the semiconductor industry and others can adopt today to achieve those benefits long-term.

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