Research Bits: June 4

Ultra-pure silicon Researchers from the University of Manchester and University of Melbourne developed a technique to engineer ultra-pure silicon that could be used in the construction of high-performance qubit devices that extend quantum coherence times. The highly purified silicon chips house and protect the qubits so they can sustain quantum coherence much longer, enabling complex calcul... » read more

Microelectronics For Quantum Technologies

By Kay-Uwe Giering and Andy Heinig The transition of the quantum mechanics realm into engineering applications is opening up a large number of disruptive quantum technological opportunities. Their success relies on the recent technological advancements, which enable the controlled creation of individual quantum mechanical systems as well as their direct manipulation and measurement. Quantum ... » read more

System Bits: March 26

Swear to tell the truth Lots of lies are told on the Internet. Shuyuan Ho of Florida State University wants to unveil those falsehoods with an online polygraph. “The future of my research is an online polygraph that could be used many different ways,” said Ho, an associate professor in the College of Communication and Information. “You could use it for online dating, Facebook, Twitter... » read more