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How Multiphysics Simulation Enables 3D-IC Implementation At The Speed Of Light

Electronic designers need greater integration densities and faster data transfer rates to meet the increased performance requirements of technologies like 5G/6G, autonomous driving, and artificial intelligence. The semiconductor industry is shifting toward 3D-IC design to keep up with the ever-growing demand for high-performance and power-efficient devices that has outpaced the capabilities o... » read more

Fluid Kinematics Using Ansys Fluent

This teaching package covers fluid kinematics topics. It includes description of fluid motion, introducing different co-ordinate systems used to mathematically calculate fluid flow behaviors and demonstrating different flow visualization and flow measurement techniques used in experimental methods and numerical simulations. Ansys Fluent has been utilized visualize these concepts. Click here ... » read more

A Solver Combination Strategy For Photonic Integrated Components

With the increasing demand for optical bandwidth, photonic integrated circuit (PIC) technology is undergoing a growth rate very similar to the one seen by electronic integrated circuits over the last half-century. To keep up with the increasing number of components and circuit complexity, efficient and reliable automated design tools are necessary to carry out virtual prototyping, improve yield... » read more

3D Heterogenous Integration: Design And Verification Challenges

Next-generation semiconductor products increasingly rely on vertical integration technologies to drive system density, speed, and yield improvement. Due to the increased coupling effects across multiple physics, co-simulation and co-analysis of these phenomena are critical for a robust chip-package-system design. Advanced 2.5D/3D-IC systems are constructed with multiple dice, interposers, packa... » read more

Maximizing Design Flexibility For Multi-Layered And Diffractive Optical Components

A broad range of optical devices use nanostructured layers and surfaces to manipulate beams of light through diffraction and interference. Example devices include diffraction gratings, metasurfaces, diffractive optical elements, and metalenses. While the purpose and function of these devices can differ, they offer similar challenges from the point of view of simulation. In this white paper, ... » read more

The Ansys Charge Plus PiC Solve

All surfaces are exposed to radiation, whether aircraft fuselages, satellite skins, or solar panels, are subjected to ionization effects through the accumulation of charged plasmas. Such plasmas present critical hazards to these platforms as their sudden nonlinear discharges can damage or destroy surfaces and underlying electronic components. Through the Particle-in-Cell solver, Ansys Charge Pl... » read more

Ansys Charge Plus And Its Particle-In-Cell Solver

SIMULATING SEMICONDUCTORS PARTICLE BY PARTICLE Plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PE-CVD) and plasma etching are experimental techniques that leverage multiphysics for product development in the semiconductor industry. PE-CVD explicitly tackles the deposition of material on the surface of a wafer, such as a thin coating. A chemical with free radicals is placed on the surface of the ... » read more

Study On HPC And Cloud Computing For Engineering Simulation

In engineering applications, cloud computing can provide the on-demand compute power needed to run increasingly more complex simulations on a more frequent basis throughout the design cycle. Simulation plays an increasingly important role in the development of disruptive new technologies and systems such as autonomous vehicles, digital manufacturing, next-generation aircraft, and more. Rapid, h... » read more

Cold Plate Technology Comparison

New types of energy, such as wind and solar power, are being utilized more prevalently and hybrid cars/buses are being identified as a means of reducing carbon dioxide emissions resulting from the use of fossil fuels. Electronic systems like frequency converters for wind power and train utilization are required to provide ever higher levels of energy savings. As such, IGBT (insulated-gate bipol... » read more

Engineering Simulation Workloads And The Rise of the Cloud

Cloud service providers (CSPs) continue to improve the performance capabilities of their non-accelerated and accelerated compute instances, as well as augment their HPC infrastructure with domain-area expertise of targeted HPC workloads. Additionally, engineers, researchers, and scientists are becoming more comfortable with the types of workloads that can be run in the cloud within acceptable w... » read more

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