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Ansys Charge Plus And Its Particle-In-Cell Solver

SIMULATING SEMICONDUCTORS PARTICLE BY PARTICLE Plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PE-CVD) and plasma etching are experimental techniques that leverage multiphysics for product development in the semiconductor industry. PE-CVD explicitly tackles the deposition of material on the surface of a wafer, such as a thin coating. A chemical with free radicals is placed on the surface of the ... » read more

Study On HPC And Cloud Computing For Engineering Simulation

In engineering applications, cloud computing can provide the on-demand compute power needed to run increasingly more complex simulations on a more frequent basis throughout the design cycle. Simulation plays an increasingly important role in the development of disruptive new technologies and systems such as autonomous vehicles, digital manufacturing, next-generation aircraft, and more. Rapid, h... » read more

Cold Plate Technology Comparison

New types of energy, such as wind and solar power, are being utilized more prevalently and hybrid cars/buses are being identified as a means of reducing carbon dioxide emissions resulting from the use of fossil fuels. Electronic systems like frequency converters for wind power and train utilization are required to provide ever higher levels of energy savings. As such, IGBT (insulated-gate bipol... » read more

Engineering Simulation Workloads And The Rise of the Cloud

Cloud service providers (CSPs) continue to improve the performance capabilities of their non-accelerated and accelerated compute instances, as well as augment their HPC infrastructure with domain-area expertise of targeted HPC workloads. Additionally, engineers, researchers, and scientists are becoming more comfortable with the types of workloads that can be run in the cloud within acceptable w... » read more

Simulation Solutions For Aviation: Hybrid-Electric Propulsion Systems

The commercial aviation industry is facing the total transformation of aircraft propulsion in the coming decades. As manufacturers develop more sustainable propulsion systems and strive to reduce the environmental impact of commercial aircraft, they must design products optimized for performance and safety. Commercial aviation companies can use digital engineering solutions to do exactly that. ... » read more

17 Equations That Changed The World

Mathematics has been a constant part of our lives forever and is used in many ways in our everyday lives. Created by Ian Stewart, listed on Dr. Paul Coxon’s Twitter account, and discussed on mathematics blogger Larry Philip’s site is a list of the “17 Equations that Changed the World,” many of which have been mentioned on The Big Bang TheoryTV series. However, the list is incomplete.... » read more

Best Practice: RANS Turbulence Modeling In Ansys CFD

Turbulence modeling is one of the main sources of uncertainty in CFD simulations of technical flows. This is not surprising, as turbulence is the most complex phenomenon in classical physics. Turbulent flows pose a multi-scale problem, where the dimension of the technical device is often of the order of meters (or even 102 meters in case of airplanes and ships), whereas the smallest turbulence ... » read more

Multiphysics Analysis of Traction Motors: Accelerating Innovation in Electric Mobility Solutions

Between 2021 and 2023, electric vehicles (EVs) represent a $7 trillion market opportunity, and it’s only projected to increase. In a rapidly growing EV market, automakers are turning to advanced design, testing, and manufacturing technologies. Optimized system design requires the evaluation of many different concepts, topologies, and electronic interactions across disciplines. Design and s... » read more

Physics-Based Radar Modeling: Driving Toward Increased Safety

Autonomous driving is revolutionizing the global automotive industry. With every new model, cars are smarter and more capable of independently responding to external signals like lane markings, road signs, other cars and pedestrians. However, formulating a correct response via artificial intelligence depends on the flawless performance of the car’s perception systems, including radar-ba... » read more

Enabling Accurate Electronic-Photonic Co-Design with a Synergetic Workflow on GlobalFoundries Fotonix Platform

Massive growth in research, development, and applications of CMOS-compatible integrated photonics in recent years, along with its expected potential for the years to come, has sparked an ever-increasing demand from designers for seamless and all-inclusive design automation solutions that can enable electronic-photonic co-design while being accurate and easy to use. Here, we demonstrate an end-t... » read more

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