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Enabling 2.5D/3D Multi-Die Package

In the rapidly evolving world of ASIC design, the shift from monolithic to 2.5D and 3D multi-die architectures represents a significant leap forward. This approach, which integrates multiple chiplets (also knowns as dies) into a single package, demands not only a new level of IC design innovation but also an increased complexity in coordination and integration. At the forefront of this technolo... » read more

Shedding More Light On Photonics For Multi-Die Systems

By Kenneth Larsen and Twan Korthorst Photonics harness the speed of light for fast, low-power, high-capacity data transfer. A tremendous amount of data needs to be moved swiftly across different components in a multi-die system. Considering this, exploiting the advantages of light is one way to mitigate heat dissipation and energy consumption concerns while delivering fast data transmission.... » read more

3D IC: Opportunities, Challenges, And Solutions

Nearly every big city reaches a point in its evolution when it runs out of open space and starts building vertically. This enables far more apartments, offices and people per square mile, while avoiding the increased infrastructure costs of suburban sprawl. Semiconductors are evolving in much the same way. Moore’s Law is slowing, and adoption of new advanced technology nodes is slowing as wel... » read more