Blog Review: July 27

UVM factory; SAS 24G; economic uncertainty and semi; ketchup tech; quick charging batteries; sensors; ransomware.


Mentor’s Tom Fitzpatrick investigates how to add new behavior to an existing testbench with the UVM factory class.

Synopsys’ Srinivas Vijayaragavan and Pooja Gupta dig into new features of SAS 24G, including how its effective speed was doubled to 24G though signaling rate remains at 22.5G.

Cadence’s Paul McLellan highlights a presentation from the SEMI/Gartner Market Symposium focused on economic uncertainty, the global economy, and what impacts they have on the semiconductor industry.

In this week’s top five tech picks, Ansys’ Bill Vandermark points to the ever-growing number of exoplanet discoveries, atomic-level data storage, as well as the very latest in ketchup technology.

NXP’s Mike Becker highlights one aspect of improving battery technology: an increased focus on decreasing the charge time.

Rambus’ Aharon Etengoff peers ahead to what could be the next stage of innovation for machine design: gesture, eye tracking and proximity sensor technologies.

ARM’s Carl Williamson points to an analysis of the SoftBank acquisition, plus a new effort to battle ransomware.

Cadence’s Christine Young listens in on a talk by Imec’s An Steegen on the future of semiconductor scaling and the new materials, device architectures, and techniques to make it continue.

Synopsys’ Robert Vamosi looks at a recently announced flaw in a code library potentially impacting a range of telecommunications from radios in cell towers to the baseband chips in individual phones.

Mentor’s Sergio Antioquia has fun with the Tour de France and the cyclists’ impressive use of aerodynamics.

And don’t miss the blogs featured in last week’s Manufacturing, Design & Test newsletter:

Editor In Chief Ed Sperling observes that paranoia about IP theft is shifting from the leading edge to the middle market.

Executive Editor Mark LaPedus examines the hottest topics facing the manufacturing equipment industry.

Applied Materials’ Er-Xuan Ping looks at future memory types and how we will get there.

Mentor Graphics’ David Abercrombie walks through the options and potential pitfalls of advanced patterning in a step-by-step video.

Coventor’s Joseph Ervin digs into the impact of pattern dependence on etch, deposition and CMP processes.

Semico Research’s Adrienne Downey finds an expanded role for 3D printing in PCB manufacturing and keeping equipment running longer.

SEMI’s Clark Tseng examines why capacity surpassed memory capacity last year.

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