A Bluetooth LE Throughput Faceoff

The Bluetooth Low Energy (LE) space is shared by over 50 IC suppliers, each in healthy competition with one another. This healthy competition is one of the main driving forces behind the constant innovation and wide spread of Bluetooth LE technology. In the spirit of competition, we thought it would be fun to stage a friendly competition between ourselves and one of our competitors, an estab... » read more

Matter 1.4 Advancements In The Smart Home

Recently the Connectivity Standards Alliance (CSA) announced the updated Matter 1.4 specification.  This new release shows the smart home business community's continued discipline in maintaining this release schedule for developers and manufacturers as Matter adoption grows and becomes more successful in the smart home space. This update includes normal bug fixes,  multiple feature enhance... » read more

Smart Irrigation System Using Periodic Advertisement With Response (PAwR) Feature Of Bluetooth Low Energy

With an ever-growing market of IoT and Industry 4.0 applications, a need for newer features arises to support these applications. The latest Infineon chip CYW20829 boasts a set of new features suitable for a multitude of these IoT applications. These features include Periodic Advertisements with Response (PAwR), low energy long-range (LE-LR), 2M PHY layer, etc. These features offer a novel pe... » read more

Radar vs. PIR: Selecting the Right Solution

As radar technology continues to advance, it offers an increasingly broad range of capabilities, making it a viable alternative to traditional passive infrared (PIR) sensors. With radar's enhanced features, it's essential to reassess whether PIR remains the best choice for your specific application or if radar's advantages can bring greater value. The purpose of this material is to provide a... » read more

Sustainable Rail Transportation With High Power SiC Modules: Part 2

In the first part of this blog, we had a look at how energy-efficient high-power modules contribute to the decarbonization of railway transportation. This part will focus on the future of traction: high-power silicon carbide modules, their key features, and the multiple system benefits they enable. Silicon carbide power modules and hybrid-propulsion trains: It’s a match! As we inch toward... » read more

Sustainable Rail Transportation With High Power SiC Modules: Part 1

The process of electrification of railways, though crucial for achieving net-zero climate targets, is nevertheless far from being complete.  Let's delve into how high-power semiconductor technologies are accelerating the decarbonization of rail transport, making it cleaner, safer, and smarter. Decarbonization of transportation: Unraveling the global picture According to the International Ene... » read more

How To Solve Frequency Jitter In Constant On-Time POLs With A Ripple Injection Circuit

The purpose of this article is to walk through the steps of implementing a ripple injection circuit for constant on-time POLs. It covers how to connect the circuit and then how to calculate the values used in the circuit. Frequency jitter can be caused by a number of things such as noise injection into the voltage sense lines from outside sources, to very low ripple current in the output ind... » read more

Power Stage Selection Considerations For High-Current Voltage Regulators

There are several key things to consider when selecting a power stage for high-current voltage regulators: What area does the power stage need to fit in? What is the continuous output current? What is the maximum peak current? This should not exceed the peak current rating of the power stage. What is the power loss for sustained output current? This can be calculated... » read more

Liquid Cooling And GaN: A Winning Combination

Data centers are facing an unprecedented transformation due to the surge in generative AI and other emerging technologies. A single ChatGPT session consumes 50 to 100 times more energy than a comparable Google search, escalating data center rack power requirements towards 200 kW or more, presenting serious challenges for operators. Cooling, in fact, takes up about 40% of the power requireme... » read more

Optimize Power For RF/μW Hybrid And Digital Phased Arrays

Field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) are a critical component of both digital and hybrid phased array technology. Powering FPGAs for aerospace and defense applications comes with its own set of challenges, especially because these applications require higher reliability than many industrial or consumer technologies. This blog post will provide a brief history on beamforming and beam-steeri... » read more

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