Smarter Design Strategies

By Jon McDonald I had an interesting discussion with a customer recently. They were involved in the architectural specification of a fairly complex piece of silicon. They spent a significant amount of time designing the part to work under worst-case power characteristics and defining the power supply requirements for the device in this worst-case use mode. The conversation started with the ... » read more

Cycle-Accurate Models?

By Jon McDonald I was sitting in a meeting this week and someone made the statement, “I have to have a cycle-accurate model.” This was a meeting discussing early delivery of system models for software development, performance and power analysis. The final RTL didn't even exist for the device in question, yet somehow the thinking was that a “cycle-accurate” model was required. I hear th... » read more

Power Matters

By Jon McDonald Power has been an active area of discussion for me recently. It's come up in a more concrete way than in past conversations: customers are more interested in discussing details and not as interested in the abstract concepts. An interesting outcome of this is that now we need more context, we need to understand what we mean when we talk about power analysis at the abstract, syst... » read more

AT vs. LT

By Jon McDonald A subject came up today that has come up on numerous occasions: “How often will the transaction-level model with timing, AT, be used versus the functional model, LT?” This is a common question; the answer is often very specific to the user. The kinds of questions and the analysis required will drive the level of accuracy required in the models. It’s probably easiest... » read more

Dinner Talk

By Jon McDonald Recently at dinner we were discussing a new video game my son wanted. My wife and I were less than thrilled with the game due to some of the adult themes I had seen in the reviews. As my son was trying to convince us that it was an acceptable game he fell back on the old standard justification: “All my friends are playing it!” This is one of the poorest reasons for anyt... » read more

Revelations From Italy

By Jon McDonald I am just back from vacation. My wife and I spent two weeks in Italy. While there we toured the Tuscan countryside, Florence and Rome. We had a rental car for the time in Tuscany. In Rome we didn’t keep the car. Watching the different types of cars and the way they were driven gave me a good analogy for an issue I’ve had a number of discussions on. As people think about ... » read more

More Intelligent Verification

By Jon McDonald If I have flipped a coin 1,000 times and it's come up heads every time what are the odds that I will get another head on the next flip? The odds on the next flip are still 50/50. The fact that I observe a uniquely unlikely situation has no impact on my current probability, and frankly any sequence of prior results would be equally unlikely. I find some of the same thinking appl... » read more

Which Came First?

By Jon McDonald Which came first the chicken or the egg? Based on some of my recent discussions I could ask the question in a slightly different way: “Which came first, the hardware or the software?” Depending on your point of view and personal bias the answer may appear obvious, but from what I've seen it can be very dependent on your current engineering situation. Adopting one perspectiv... » read more

Start The Revolution

By Jon McDonald “Know thyself.” That advice is promoted in so many different forms it's hard to know where it started. I have been involved in a number of projects recently in which these words would have greatly simplified the project flow. “Simplified” is probably not quite the right word. The issue in this case is not to simplify the project, but to properly understand, characterize... » read more

Management Buys Into ESL

By Jon McDonald Over the past few weeks I've spent a significant amount of time at industry shows, the largest of which is DAC. It was interesting to hear the tone of the conversations this year around ESL. ESL has reached a level of acceptance such that it is now being co-opted and interpreted to cover an amazing array of activities. I have felt for a while that the electronic design indus... » read more

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