How to Future-Proof A Hardware Designer

I’m at DAC this week, where there is a lot of interest and discussion on what’s going on in design and what’s going to happen to designers. One conversation with a university professor gave me a “eureka” moment. The professor had a student who really loved RTL design. The student asked him where he could get a job doing this, and the professor suggested the student move to India... » read more

ESL…Is It What You Want Or What You Need?

Last week I was sitting in a meeting having an extended discussion on what information and benefits could be derived from an ESL transaction model of a system.  It reminded me of the words of those immortal philosophers, The Rolling Stones, “You can’t always get what you want, but if you try sometimes you just might find, you get what you need”.  I believe this is a philosophy that ne... » read more

Problems In Multicore Design

Jon McDonald talks about the multitude of choices in multicore design and what to do about it. Click here to watch the video. » read more

Is ESL Formal Verification An Oxymoron?

“No amount of experimentation can ever prove me right; a single experiment can prove me wrong.” – Albert Einstein I’ve had a number of conversations recently trying to understand what verification means for ESL and higher level models. It seems that most of the people I talk to are looking for a guarantee, they want formal verification, a proof that the design is doing what it should... » read more

Why bother with ESL?

I’m in southern California today at the EDA Tech Form. I’ve been thinking about a conversation I had recently with a colleague. He’s been doing system-level modeling for a few years and has been an advocate for transaction-level modeling and ESL in his company. He has had tremendous success in identifying and fixing system-architecture issues before implementation, as well as saving his ... » read more

ESL Languages: Which One Is Right For Your Needs?

The question about ESL language is the right one comes up over and over again.  As customers begin to understand the benefits of modeling and analysis at the system level, they must address this question as one of the first steps in getting started.   What language should be used for ESL—SystemC, SystemVerilog, UML or M? Technically, you can create an ESL/TLM platform in any language yo... » read more

ESL Modeling: Be Careful What You Wish For

I was talking to a customer last week about his most recent ESL activities and he brought up a question that I’ve heard from many different sources : “How accurate does my ESL model need to be?” The level of timing accuracy, and even function accuracy, needed for effective system level analysis is a very dynamic question, with different answers for different organizations, and even di... » read more

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