Say Hi To Hybrid

It has been proposed for some time that virtual platforms could be linked to emulation hardware in order to co-verify the software and hardware components of an SoC. However, that proposal now has evolved into hybrid emulation, a practical solution to allow pre-silicon verification and validation of today’s complex SoC designs. First-rate work by the standards body Accellera and the Open ... » read more

Developing High-Reliability FPGAs For DO-254

You have been developing FPGAs for a long time, and you know your designs from top to bottom. You know every interface protocol, configuration and optimization. You can visualize your timing diagram like you can visualize your upcoming vacation in Hawaii. You can manually write down your memory mapping accurately while under oath. You can pinpoint all CDC paths and emulate metastability in your... » read more

UVM: What’s Stopping You?

These days, verification of the most complex designs is performed using a standard verification methodology, probably SystemVerilog-based [gettech id="31055" comment="UVM"]. Many verification teams have ramped up on UVM, but others have yet to take the plunge. Why is that? And how big a “plunge” is it, anyway? If UVM is as great as all that, then why hasn’t everybody adopted it already... » read more

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