A Semiconductor Approach To Desalination

By Bernard Murphy and Jim Hogan We’re not offering breaking news when we observe that the semiconductor industry is in flux. Major consolidations and lack of funding for startups point to an industry that, outside China, is maturing and seems to have lost the recipe for rapid growth. Apologists will argue that analog or MEMS or some other domains are still strong, but this misses the point... » read more

Quality And Safety In Automotive Electronics: Venturing beyond ISO-26262

By Bernard Murphy and Jim Hogan Rumors of ‘Project Titan’, the Apple Car, are making the rounds. True or not, when we hear Apple touted as a potential automaker, it’s clear how pervasively electronic content has invaded our cars. A 2013 National Auto Dealers Association report graded electronic content at 15% of auto-buying decision factors, impressive growth from close to zero only... » read more