Cyber Security In The Era Of The Smart Home

A look at the risks from connected systems and devices and what to do about them.


The global smart home market is projected to reach at least $40 billion in value by 2020. Perhaps not surprisingly, OEMs are inadvertently creating major security risks in their rush to market by shipping smart home products with inadequate security and unpatched vulnerabilities. As ABI Research Analyst Dimitrios Pavlakis notes, ignoring cybersecurity at the design level provides a wide-open door for malicious actors to exploit smart home products.

Indeed, the widespread use of vulnerable smart home devices and systems has provided an attractive platform for targeted attacks by cyber criminals and other unscrupulous operators. In one of the most high profile examples of 2016, the operation of a New Hampshire-based internet domain name system company (Dyn) was overrun by millions of requests originating from security cameras, digital video recorders and other connected smart home devices. The attacks resulted in the temporary denial of service for many users of Twitter, Spotify, Netflix, Amazon, and other social media sites and online retailers across the United States.

This white paper explores various cyber security risks originating from or impacting connected smart home systems and devices, while outlining steps that service providers and consumers can take to reduce the risk of attack. To read more, click here.


Junayet Sajib says:

Cyber attack are really dangerous for every internet connected devices. So in smart home system market make sure there is no security issue. I think if they 100 sure about cyber security then it will be helpful to achieve their target. Best of luck for them. Thanks for sharing this.

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