Developers Embrace Standards To Accelerate Growth Opportunities For The IoT

Simplifying IoT development for manufacturers and increasing compatibility for consumers.


By the end of the decade, the potential economic value of the Internet of Things (IoT) is expected to reach $12.6 trillion (yes, that’s a ‘t,’ not a typo), according to a McKinsey study. To achieve the scale required to meet this opportunity, critical IoT standards are coming together to enable the frictionless deployment of secure endpoint-to-cloud solutions – and being embraced by the developer community. In an important milestone on this journey, the Connectivity Standards Alliance (the Alliance) – with which Arm has collaborated for years – just released the Matter 1.0 standard and certification program earlier this month.

With Matter, the Alliance aims to create a universal IoT standard focused on the application layer, with the goal of simplifying development for manufacturers and increasing compatibility of diverse IoT devices for consumers. The goal is to drive mass deployment in this space.

Arm is working closely with the Alliance to ensure the Arm ecosystem is ready to support OEMs and other product developers in building these devices, including a current project with the Matter CI team to explore the integration of Arm Virtual Hardware into the core CI flows of the Matter CI/CD (continuous integration/continuous development) infrastructure. This will ensure product developers can instantly access a scalable virtual test environment that maps directly to the wide ecosystem of Arm-based computing platforms for IoT. Stay tuned for more developments in this area.

Standards driving mass deployment

The Matter project is built on a shared belief that smart home devices – from thermostats to light bulbs to smart TVs – should be secure, reliable, and seamless to use. At Arm, we’ve consistently demonstrated our commitment to standardization in driving the advancement of the IoT through widely adopted initiatives aimed at the foundational hardware, software, and security layers of the IoT stack. PSA CertifiedProject Cassini, and Project Centauri were all designed to address critical challenges developers face across security, edge, and IoT endpoint and continue to see strong momentum in the market, enabling faster development at scale for one of the most diverse technology ecosystems.

This diagram represents the big picture and relationship between these different standards and shows how they will all work together to enable new opportunities for players across the IoT value chain:

A massive opportunity: Starting with the smart home segment

Given that economic impact figure referenced in the McKinsey study, it’s clear that the smart home represents a huge opportunity for the IoT ecosystem. The Matter standard also extends to many other segments. For example, a connected door lock is the same for a home, a building, or a hotel. A temperature sensor is the same for the home, office, or factory. A smart TV is the same for a home, a building, or a hotel. There will be minor installation and management differences to take care of, but the fundamentals of the device remain the same across verticals.

Developers: The key to unlocking the potential of the IoT

The developer experience has been at the core of what we do at Arm for years. The developer community holds the key to the incredible potential of the IoT. That community needs the foundational technologies from Arm and standards such as Matter to continue to enable it with easy access and the most seamless developer experience so that they can focus on the application without worrying about common elements such as security, connectivity, and interfaces. With this combination, developers can build Matter-compliant devices quickly and with ease, capturing their share of the IoT opportunity, built on Arm.

And perhaps by 2030, the $12.6 trillion estimate might end up, in hindsight, being conservative.

Learn how Arm Virtual Hardware helps product developers to scale and accelerate IoT development for home automation.

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