Shift Left With Calibre Pattern Matching

Trust in design practices, but verify early and frequently.


As integrated circuit (IC) designs become increasingly complex, early-stage verification is crucial to ensure productivity and quality in design processes. The “shift left” verification approach, enabled by Siemens’ Calibre nmPlatform, helps IC design teams to identify and resolve critical issues much earlier in the design cycle.

As part of the shift left platform, Calibre Pattern Matching offers advanced pattern-based productivity improvement features such as IP verification and interactive symmetry checking and debugging. The comprehensive Calibre Pattern Matching solution accelerates verification workflows, reduces design iterations and improves the overall quality of IC designs. This paper explores the challenges of modern IC verification, the innovative capabilities of Calibre Pattern Matching and how shifting left in verification brings significant benefits to circuit verification engineers, analog/mixed-signal designers, and other IC design professionals.

What you’ll learn:

  • The value of early-stage verification in modern IC design
  • How Calibre Pattern Matching enables efficient IP verification and symmetry checking
  • How to reduce debugging cycles and increase designer productivity with Calibre RealTime
  • Why shift-left pattern matching improves IP integrity

Who should read this:

  • Circuit verification engineers
  • Analog and mixed-signal designers
  • Custom IP developers
  • Physical design engineers
  • CAD engineers and EDA tool specialists
  • Design managers and project leads

To read more, click here.

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