Wednesday At DAC

Wednesday at DAC started off in usual fashion with a keynote. For the third day, the focus of the talk was the IoT and how significant the change is going to be. Tyson Tuttle, CEO of Silicon Labs, was the speaker. While there are a lot of figures about how many devices will be connected in the future, Tuttle put it into a different perspective. "There will 70B connected devices by 2025 worth $... » read more

Monday At DAC

The 54th DAC got started today in a very steamy Austin. While we may be a maturing industry, there is certainly no indications that the people within the industry have given up or intend to take it easy. The event really got started late Sunday when Laurie Balch, chief analyst for Gary Smith EDA, delivered her message. She said that the focus is becoming the verticals. "This change in focus is ... » read more