Securing The IoT Begins With Zero-Touch Provisioning At Scale

The path to secured IoT deployments starts with a hardware root-of-trust at the device level, a simple concept that belies the complexity of managing a chain of trust that extends from every edge device to the core of the network. The solution to this management challenge, based on a coordinated effort of domain experts, is a zero touch “chip-to-cloud” provisioning service for certificates-... » read more

Data Will Swamp The Internet, Unless We Think Differently

To harvest the IoT device and data opportunity in the coming years, companies must rethink their infrastructure strategy. This means re-imagining computing from the edge to the cloud. Download this report to see how leading teams are transforming their infrastructure strategies today to win tomorrow. Click here to read more. » read more

Edge Complexity To Grow For 5G

Edge computing is becoming as critical to the success of 5G as millimeter-wave technology will be to the success of the edge. In fact, it increasingly looks as if neither will succeed without the other. 5G networks won’t be able to meet 3GPP’s 4-millisecond-latency rule without some layer to deliver the data, run the applications and broker the complexities of multi-tier Internet apps ac... » read more