Week in Review: IoT, Security, Auto

Internet of Things Arm aims to accelerate Linux-based embedded design through providing quick access to the Cortex-A5 CPU under the Arm DesignStart program. Developers can work on embedded and Internet of Things system-on-a-chip devices for gateways, medical systems, smart homes, and wearable electronics. IP access to the Cortex-A5 is now $75,000, with one-year of design support from Arm exper... » read more

The Week in Review: IoT

Finance Palo Alto, Calif.-based Armis raised $30 million in Series B funding, bringing total funding for the provider of enterprise Internet of Things security to $47 million. Red Dot Capital Partners of Israel led the round, joined by Bain Capital Ventures. Existing investors Sequoia Capital and Tenaya Capital also participated in the latest funding, which Armis will use to expand sales and m... » read more

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