Big Future In A Small Space: Wireless SoCs Enable Wearable Medical And Wellness Devices To Realize Their Potential

By David Renno, David Armour, Melissa Hu, and Sezgi Koukourakis The technology of personal medical monitoring is changing incredibly fast. As little as ten years ago, the normal way that a patient would keep track of general health indicators, such as heart rate and blood pressure, or specific indicators such as blood glucose, was through an invasive medical procedure such as a blood test. S... » read more

Get Ready For The Next Generation Of Wearable Tech

Wearables have attracted a lot of attention recently, due to both their successes as well as failures. They bring together requirements for packaging, new substrates, power scavenging, low-power, novel connectivity, flexibility, durability, as well as fashion. While some of the challenges remain formidable, the long-term potential is driving the industry to look at what is possible. They are... » read more