Intel Plus Altera

Since the Intel-Altera deal reached the handshake phase earlier this month, there have been a lot of theories being forwarded and a lot of questions being raised. And there have been very few answers, in part because the deal isn't finalized yet and in part because this marriage will take time to play out in the market—maybe years. But along with the GlobalFoundries-IBM pairing, this is th... » read more

What’s Really Inside?

Is it just paranoia, or do devices ranging from industrial controls to military hardware really contain malicious code, Trojan Horses, and remotely triggered back doors? The answer is "maybe not" if you're an optimist, and "maybe" if you're a pessimist, but no one really knows for sure. And that's what really worries security experts, particularly as more devices are connected to other devices.... » read more

Supply Chain Corruption

The more the chip supply chain relies on third-party sources, the greater the risk for a design containing potential malicious code or functions. Today, complex and sophisticated ICs are ubiquitous in virtually every industry. They are being relied upon, as never before, to control critical infrastructure subsystems such as power, finance, communications, and transportation. In a recent r... » read more

The Next Big Threat: Manufacturing

The business adage that you’re only as good as your partners should be a core principle of doing business when it comes to security. But with a complex SoC you don’t always know all your partners, who financed them—or worse, who else they’re working with or working for. Consider this scenario: A band of sophisticated thieves grinds off the top of an SoC package, inserts probes to map... » read more

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