Securing The IoT Begins With Zero-Touch Provisioning At Scale

The path to secured IoT deployments starts with a hardware root-of-trust at the device level, a simple concept that belies the complexity of managing a chain of trust that extends from every edge device to the core of the network. The solution to this management challenge, based on a coordinated effort of domain experts, is a zero touch “chip-to-cloud” provisioning service for certificates-... » read more

Week in Review: IoT, Security, Auto

Internet of Things Silicon Labs worked with Norway’s Q-Free to create the ParQSense Smart Parking Sensor, which helps drivers find available outdoor parking spaces. ParQSense uses the chip company’s Wonder Gecko wireless microcontroller for connectivity and control. Having gone through pilot testing in the European Union and North America this year, ParQSense is being released for commerci... » read more

The Green500 And The Charge Towards Exascale Computing

The latest Green500 list (Excel spreadsheet here) was just released at the end of June, and heterogeneous systems continue to dominate the top of the list with the new leader besting the old by nearly 30%. Two systems using Intel Xeon E5-2687W 8-Core 3.1 GHz processors coupled with NVIDIA K20’s topped the list. Eurotech’s Eurora and Aurora Tigon both broke the 3,000 MFLOPS/W barrier, record... » read more